So, you’re interested in flatbed truck driving with Cypress Truck Lines.

No flatbed experience? No problem — let us help get you up to speed.

Cypress will cover the training costs for two – to seven weeks of flatbed securement training. Not only that, depending on your experience level we’ll pay you up to $1,000 per week to cover that time.

With six months of verifiable flatbed experience, you’ll be assigned a truck after a brief paid orientation and road test.

New drivers will head to one of our facilities in Jacksonville or Tampa, Fla., Smyrna, Ga., Abilene, Texas, or Wilmington, N.C., for training.

And for military personnel looking to enter the industry, we have a special program for you. Click the following link for more information on our Military Training program or call (800) 545-1351.

We want the best, most dedicated drivers the industry has to offer. And we’re more than happy to help you find success and security on the open road.

No Experience at all? No Problem! Cypress Truck Lines wants to pay you to train and join their fleet. You can learn more at

Join Cypress and pursue the career you deserve.

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